Saturday, October 17, 2009

Still Packing

I'm too tired to post pictures.  Let me just say, we're STILL packing.  We're down to the last 24 hours now. Closing is Monday at 10am, and the buyer will be here Sunday at 5pm for a "quick" check of things.  I'm sure it's just to make sure we didn't rip the plumbing out of the walls and take all the ridiculously priced fixtures.

I know we all feel like we have too much 'stuff', ok, maybe not ALL of you, but for sure 99.9% of you.  To see it ABSOLUTELY, COMPLETELY fill up a 53' semi-trailer is flooring me right now tho.  Looking around we are in the stage of "just throw it in a box" already and let's be done!  All of my labels, and color dot sticker system has fallen by the wayside.  It was great in the beginning, but as people showed up to help us pack & load (don't misunderstand, I'm BEYOND THANKFUL for the help) it came down to a sharpie and a request to list a few of the main things on the outside of the box.

::Sigh::  Does anyone really enjoy the process of uprooting their lives and moving to a new place?  Yes, as believers it's exciting to see what the Lord has planned for you, but the process itself is such drudgery. 

I'm not down, discouraged, disheartened, just "done".  : ) 


  1. I am glad it will be done for you soon!!!
    Hugs, :) Heather

  2. Oh I don't envy anything about that! Moving is one of my least favorite things to do in all the world! If I never move again I will be happy. It gets to be so hard at the end. I always wonder why I ever bought that lamp and why I kept it.

    Hang in there my friend! We are praying for you! Lisa~

  3. OMGoodness!!! Wow, girl, I am praying for you and your sweet family. Let us know if you need anything!

  4. OK, so where are you now? Are you homeless? ;-) Hang in there, wherever you are.

    You are being prayed for!


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