Sunday, October 4, 2009

Moving Sale

What was I thinking?  
Well, you can't schedule a stomach bug and the right time for it to strike your family, right?  Of course it started a few days before the yard sale (that's a good time don't you think~NOT). All that last minute work, was put off to the absolute last few hours before we began throwing our junk, I mean stuff, out the door.

Once the ad hit the paper on Thursday, those lil eager beavers began knocking on the front door.  "Buenos Dias", esta listos por la venta?" Huh?  Ohhh, am I ready to start my Saturday yard sale on Thursday? Ha, don't you know I have six kids, we're trying to continue homeschooling through this season of sorting, packing, moving (oh yeah, still haven't graded those math papers yet, and they have a test on Monday), wait, can't pack till we have a moving sale and get rid of half this stuff, my hubby is working his tushy off outside of the home with 2 of the older boys, a.k.a. my helpers, and now I have throw-up and diarrhea taking over my house.  Wait, how do you say all that in Spanish??
Um, no, I'm not ready, please come back on Saturday.

At 2am, just 4 hours before the 1st person showed up (yes, I'm serious), the "bug" struck Paul down.  Well, really not down, because he jumped up and bolted out of bed. Victim no. 7 had been claimed.  Which left only 1 lil front toothless boy, standing tall, all alone, and absolutely clueless.  He said he won't get sick because his nose is always stuffy at night, and that the germs can't get in there.  :)

We were GRATEFUL to have 4 people helping us out this morning ~ thanks guys.  Our 8am yard sale was maxed out by 7:45am.  A few hours later we loaded up the left overs of "surely someone would want this treasured item" stuff and dropped it off at the church for their sale in 2 weeks.

Paul asked if I was glad to have the things out of here.  Yes, I told him, but, as I looked around all I saw was still sooooo much stuff to pack.  Is it possible for a family of 8 to become "minimalists"?  
Let me know if you have it figured out.


  1. I sooooo feel your pain, sistah! It was soooo hard last year. I thought I had gotten rid of so very much (I had had three garage sales and a bazillion trips to the Salvation Army), but still had wayyyy too much to pack.

    I hope it goes well.

    I hope someone tells you how to get a family of 8 to be minimalists. I'll be all ears.

    Anyway, I hope you are all on the mend soon!


  2. Sounds like a whirlwind to me....I am worn out just reading it ;)
    Glad it's over for to the chore of packing, good luck!!!!
    Hugs, :) Heather


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