Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Working Cattle Saturday

While I was away celebrating Paula's birthday in Dallas, the kids were experiencing life on the mini ranch.  Saturday, cattle is what was on the agenda. The Rancher's cattle needed to be checked out, given shots, and humm (clearing throat), uh, castrated.  Not to worry, no photos to share.

Being led into the pen one at a time. That metal pole is placed behind the steer so he won't back up, as he changes his mind.

Paul's job is to man the blue gate, and man it he did

Mr. H is beside Paul giving #107 his shots

Kids looking to see what happens next

These kids are just happy to be high up in the air, as Tracy snaps their picture praying they don't fall, break a bone, then she'll have to explain to her good friend, that is galavanting around the "Big D", just how her kids got hurt while she was watching them! Hee hee. 

Mr. H & his helper working away while the boys look on

Becca on the Big Wheel

Expert Kid telling New Kid, "This here yeller stick will shock the fire out of ya, so doooon't touch it. It's called a hot shot".

More little guys hanging around watching all the excitement

~~Now what you don't see in any of these photos~~
There was lots of castrating going on, which meant lots of questions from my city kids.  In steps my friend, Tracy, the Rancher's Wife, with lots of gentle, straight forward answers. She did a GREAT job as she explained the workings of animal reproductive organs to my older ones. She was sweating it out, not wanting to say too much, the wrong thing, etc., but she did fiiiiine.

This sums up the day ~ Got the Job DONE!
Tanner (neat kid) holding up a "cow pouch"

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