Happy 10th Birthday Cadie!
About a year ago we began celebrating
"Birthdays for Breakfast"
We didn't want to wait for Daddy to get home at 7pm, before we began celebrating, so we have the party 1st thing in the morning before he goes to work.
The night before, after the kids are in bed, I get everything set for the 7am party. We begin the morning by singing Happy Birthday to that child, this of course wakes everyone up. The other kids quickly run into the kitchen to see things all set in place. Let the party begin! First the BD child opens cards, gifts, we sing, blow out candles, and have cake, punch and ice cream for breakfast.
...we have been known to slip an egg or bowl of cereal to a
party goer, if they ask.
This has been alot of fun for all of us. I know it is something that my children will fondly remember as they look back over their birthdays.
Her oldest brother gave her "10 Free Shots" from his BB gun...
Isn't she cute?
Hugs and Kisses for their big sister
Cole was anxious for Cadie to claim her birthday gift.